ACPA’s Graduate Student and New Professional Community of Practice is once again offering scholarships for ACPA23 and ACPA membership!
The Convention Registration Scholarship is offered to graduate students and new professionals planning to attend ACPA23. This scholarship covers the cost of registration at the regular rate. Interested members can find more information and complete the application here. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is November 18, 2022.
Apply for our Convention Flat-Rate Scholarship! This scholarships covers other financial needs associated with Convention other than registration (such as hotel, meals, airfare etc.) that may not be included under professional development funding. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is January 5, 2022. The application can be found here.
The ACPA Membership Scholarship is intended for grad students or new professionals who are unable to attend ACPA23 due to financial or other reasons. This scholarship will provide a year-long membership to ACPA for the recipient. The deadline to apply for this scholarship is January 5, 2022.
Additionally, we are looking for scholarship reviewers for these annual scholarships! If anyone would like be a reviewer, please let us know by completing the application.
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