ACPA is proud to offer a series of virtual learning opportunities for student affairs and higher education professionals. Join colleagues as we focus on getting you the information you need to thrive in your role and best support your students right now. Presentations will be added as they are scheduled to give you ample time to determine individual needs and plan your professional development experience. Webinars will have a flat rate cost of $10 to ensure equitable access of information to professionals at all levels. Featured webinars will have a flat rate of $20 given the 2-hour time slot and heavily curated content.
- Live stream captioning will be available for each webinar! A link to the stream will will be shared at the start of each live event.
- A recording of the webinar will be available for registrants after the event concludes.
- Registrations will be accepted up to 15 minutes before the event. If you were unable to register before the webinar began, you can purchase the recording through our ACPA2GO Archives.
Upcoming Webinars
There are no upcoming events at this time
Past Webinars
Missed an ACPA2GO Webinar? Recordings are now available!
*Recordings of webinars are available for purchase at the original registration fee
The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program Waiver Period
Presented on 25 July 2022 // FREE
The Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) provides public service workers with federal student debt forgiveness after 10 years or 120 consecutive monthly payments. Most college employees who work full time are eligible for PSLF. On Oct. 6, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education (ED) announced a change to Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) rules as a result of the COVID-19 national emergency and to address longstanding servicing issues with the program. Now, for a limited time before the waiver period ends October 31, 2022, borrowers may receive credit (or even full cancellation) for past periods of repayment that would otherwise not qualify for PSLF.
Student affairs professionals serve a critically important role in their campus communities, and in helping advertise this opportunity to other employees at their institution who might not be aware of their eligibility. Join us and a representative from the Department of Education as we discuss the PSLF program, and the steps borrowers need to take to make sure they get credit under the Limited PSLF Waiver.
presented by:Ashley Harrington
Advising and supporting in student affairs: A critical self-awareness approach
Presented on 12 July 2022 // $15
This session introduces participants to a new text offering critical self-awareness as an approach to advising and supporting in student affairs. Presenters provide an overview of the text with emphasis on: (1) utilizing critical self-awareness as a framework for advising and supporting practices, (2) understanding compassion fatigue, and (3) navigating trauma stewardship. The session includes application opportunities for participants to consider their own development and what it means to support others’ growth, development, and success.
presented by: D. Chase J. Catalano, Ed.D., Laila McCloud, PhD and Rachel Wagner, EdD
Addressing compassion fatigue and burnout in student affairs: Strategies for creating a culture of community care
Presented on 28 June 2022 // $10
Many student affairs practitioners passionately support students, but the cost of caring may include compassion fatigue, secondary stress, and burnout. In this interactive session, we will provide an overview of the current student affairs landscape regarding sustainable careers. We then will share the results of a constructivist case study that examined how a program that serves at-promise students contributes to and alleviates compassion fatigue among staff members. Using these foundational materials, we will discuss strategies for creating a culture of community care within student affairs. As a result of this session, attendees will be able to define compassion fatigue, describe how organizations can contribute to or alleviate compassion fatigue, and identify strategies to implement in their student affairs organization to support practitioners affected by the cost of caring.
presented by: Genia Bettencourt & Rosemary Perez
Brown/Black Card Revoked: Navigating Inaugural Positions at PWIs
Presented on 28 June 2022 // $10
Institutions/organizations often struggle to empower, affirm, retain as well as authenticate the knowledge and experience of BIPoC Professionals, who embark on inaugural roles/positions. This session focuses on the counter storytelling of three Queer BIPoC , student affairs professionals who share their experiences of working in inaugural roles at predominantly White institutions in the northeast of the United States. Participants will explore issues of racism, anti-blackness, ableism and othering at the intersections of visible as well as invisible minoritized identities.
presented by: Olajiwon McCadney, Theresa Hernandez & Melanie Pagán
Letters From College Student Sex Workers: Implications for Practice
Presented on 27 June 2022 // $10
College student sex workers are largely missing from higher education and student affairs research, and as such, there is limited information for best practices to better support them in college and university settings. Reporting from an action research study with college student sex workers as collaborators, this session will be invaluable for practitioners and policymakers to become better informed about 1) the current contexts that college student sex workers maneuver and 2) strategies to support these students.Presenter Information:
presented by: Terah J. Stewart, PhD
How to Train Socially Just and Emotionally Intelligent Student Leaders
Presented 15 June 2022 // $10
Student Affairs is a field built off the connection and successes of our students. Preparing and training student leaders is a critical part of our positions. Student leaders who are trained in emotional intelligence; tenants of DEI; and helping skills can enhance their own experiences as well as those of others. As our field and world continue to evolve, centering the experiences of marginalized voices and lived experiences must take center stage in our work.
presented by: Joey McGinn & Diamond Newsome
Advising During Times of Uncertainty
Presented 8 november 2021 // $10
Now more than ever, having human-to-human interaction matters. When faculty are unable to connect with students in traditional ways, there is plenty they can do to provide virtual support. In this presentation, we outline data-driven tools that can be utilized to anticipate student challenges and deploy hands-on support to foster graduate student success and discuss strategies from the perspectives of both public and private universities in driving student achievement.
presented by: Julie I Delich, Ed.D
Presented 13 October 2021 // $10
During the 2020-21 academic year institutions moved fully online as a response to COVID-19. This created challenges for those who were not familiar with technology. If one was unfamiliar with technology they only had one choice, figure it out. COVID-19 exacerbated the digital divide. In this interactive session, we will discuss ways to address the digital divide, recommended trainings, helpful tips and a live technology demonstration to support those impacted by the digital divide.
presented by: Dr. Shetina M. Jones
Confronting Colonial Concepts in Higher Education: Supporting Indigenous LGBTQ2S+ Students Navigating a Colonized World
Presented 14 June 2021 // $10
Student Affairs associations often signal to leaders which trending issues of the day should be deliberated and addressed. COVID-19 is undeniably at the top of today’s lists both in terms of navigating its short-term challenges and imagining its plausible long-term impacts. Engaging participant discussion and sharing research on dilemmas raised by Student Affairs associations in 2020-2021, this session will: a) analyze emergent COVID-19 research priorities and practical puzzles; and b) deliberate strategies to help the field learn from this crisis.
presented by: Charlie Scott, Ph.D.
ACPA Foundation Grant Recipients Presentation
presented 29 April 2021 // $10
This session will feature three recipients of the ACPA Foundation grants, a program designed to support research that enhances the student affairs profession and disseminates knowledge about college students. Join us as they share results from their studies and offer implications for the student affairs field.
presented by: Gudrun Nyunt, Nicole Barone, and Mauriell H. Amech
Writing for the Journal of College Student Development
presented 23 April 2021 // FREE
This session will introduce the new editorial team for JCSD and talk about publishing in each section of the journal. Time will be given to explain the new Transformational Education Research section and the opportunity for practitioners to consider this section of the journal. It is expected that at least 20 minutes will be used for Q & A about the journal, the writing process, the peer review, and anything else necessary to write for the journal.
presented by: Vasti Torres, Sherry Watt, Ebelia Hernandez, Jason Garvey, Larry Locke, and Tricia Fechter Gates
Celebrating the early years: LGBTQ+ Activism Within ACPA
presented 13 April 2021 // $10
Celebrating the history of LGBTQ+ activism within ACPA is long overdue. From the early 1980s clandestine meetings of LGBTQ+ members to the creation of the fledgling Standing Committee for Lesbian Gay and Bisexual Awareness and now the Sexuality and Gender Identities Coalition, Queer and Trans*, members have always been central to ACPA. Join a conversation among ACPA members who were there during those early years as they discuss their Queer and Trans* activism journey in student affairs and ACPA.
presented by: Amy Reynolds, Jamie Washington, Julie Elkins, David Barnett, Chuck Rhodes, and Mary McGhee
Feasibility of Implementing Proactive Advising and the Dynamic Student Development Meta-Theory
presented 26 October 2020 // Cost: $10
Intrusive advising, also known as proactive advising, is comprised of techniques that originate from prescriptive and developmental models, as well as integrated advising models. All of the aforementioned models will be defined and explained with the goal of highlighting how these approaches relate to university retention efforts to promote student persistence towards graduation. This session will illustrate how proactive advising can be implemented within the Dynamic Student Meta-Theory (DSDM) to promote student success and foster student retention as informed by results from a feasibility survey.
Presented by:
Pietro A. Sasso, PhD, he/him/his, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Connections 2 Go: Reaching Event Outcomes in a Virtual Environment
presented 27 October 2020 // Cost: $10
When it’s no longer safe to have in-person events, from a small round-table discussion, to a benefit dinner, to the largest extended orientation camp in the country, Fish Camp, creating new relationships and building on established ones is a new challenge for Student Affairs Professionals. Learn from an Event Management faculty member as well as a Fish Camp advisor from Texas A&M University about strategies, platforms, and pathways to success in the virtual events environment. Come to share what you have learned and are using to connect students and staff on your campus, as well.
Presented by:
Dr. Donna Lee Sullins, she/her/hers, Texas A&M University
Bradley Buroughs, he/him/his, Texas A&M University
Super Womxnhood: Debunking Notions of Perfection for Womxn of Color
presented 30 October 2020 // Cost: $10
Womxn of color in higher education hold dual marginalized identities. In student affairs, they are called to for leadership, nurturing, and various other responsibilities. They are also expected to perform and present at higher standards in comparison to their white and male colleagues. When this is not achieved, they experience hyper-critique in upholding the image of super womxnhood that negatively impact them. Presenters will dispel the super womxn myth by providing tools addressing the oppression that womxn of color face.
Presented by:
Carolina Dávila, M.S.Ed., She/Her/Hers/Ella, Yale University
Shaun R. Simon, M.Ed., She/Her/Hers, East Carolina University
LeAnna Rice, M.S., She/Her/Hers, Queens University of Charlotte
Post Election 2020: ?
presented 4 November 2020 // Cost: FREE for members, $10 for non-members
It’s the day after the election. Are you excited, sad, confused, hopeful, unsure…. This will be one of the most important elections of our time. The process is new. The issues are hot. The feelings are raw and the country is divided. Space is needed for student affairs professionals to breathe and support each other as well as find the energy to support their staff, student and campus communities. We are the leaders that higher education needs at this contextual moment and we need space to prepare for that role. Let’s just be in community and figure out what comes next.
Presented by:
Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington, he, him, his, President, Washington Consulting Group
dr. becky martinez, she, her, hers, President, Infinity Martinez Consulting, Inc.
Rev. Sam Offer, he, him, his, Vice President, Washington Consulting Group
Accessibility and Universal Design of Online Meetings
presented 9 November 2020 // Cost: $10
This webinar is focused on making online meetings accessible to people with disabilities. Due to increasing public interest, and the emergence of more robust online conferencing tools, online meetings are increasing in frequency. While most meeting organizers have the goal that all participants can fully participate, often this goal is not realized.
Presented by:
Sheryl Burgstahler, she/her, University of Washington
Brianna Blaser, she/her, University of Washington
The Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Marginalized and Underrepresented College Students
presented 6 October 2020 // Cost: $10
In our webinar, we will share the results of a multi-institutional survey about undergraduates’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over 28,000+ students from nine large research universities responded to our survey (the Student Experience in the Research University, or SERU survey). The results suggest the pandemic exacerbated disparities between students based upon their race/ethnicity, first-generation status, disability, gender, sexual orientation, caregiver status, and social class. In particular, the data suggest the pandemic has had deleterious impacts upon marginalized students’ mental health, finances, food/housing security, safety, and more areas. For instance, we have found that mental health disorders are alarmingly high among Latinx, Asian, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Black students; first-generation students; students who are caregivers; transgender and genderqueer students; and gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, and asexual students. In our webinar, we intend to demonstrate those disparities among specific student populations and offer policy suggestions for higher education institutions to take to better support students in the fall 2020 semester. We will work with audience members to craft new policy suggestions in an interactive format as well–a step to encourage audience engagement.
Presented by:
Krista Soria, she/her/hers, University of Minnesota
Igor Chriikov, he/him/his, University of California Berkeley
Competencies: Assessment, Evaluation, anad Research; Social Justice and Inclusion
Designing Intentional and Relevant Leadership Education Programs
presented 30 September 2020 // Cost: $10
Presenter will share strategies for intentionally designing culturally relevant leadership courses, programs, and workshops for both virtual and face-to-face spaces. Multiple processes and models including- leadership learning framework, culturally relevant leadership learning model, leadership competencies, learning objectives, sequencing, assessment, and instructional strategies will be discussed. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and apply each of these processes and models for intentional leadership education program design.
Presented by:
Kathy Guthrie, she/her/hers, Florida State University
Competencies: Leadership (LEAD);Student Learning and Development (SLD)
“The Joy of Considering What Can Be”: SIRJD Reflection
presented 14 September 2020 // Cost: $10
This radical self-care session will engage participants through an interactive workshop practicing the foundations of “A Bold Vision Forward: A Framework for the SIRJD” (Quaye et al., 2019). Participants will practice humanizing each other through a process called “Seen and Heard”. Next, an envisioning activity will help participants dream big and we close the program by inviting participants to reflect on and describe what they need to begin to actualize the SIRJD in their professional and personal lives.
Presented by:
Nick Daily, he/they, LuvServedDaily Consulting
Alex Sylvester, she/her/hers, Southern Oregon University
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion
Closing the Gaps in Voting Rates Among Underrepresented Students (Distance-informed)
presented 3 September 2020 // Cost: $10
18-to-19-year-olds are historically the age group with the lowest voting turnout, and social distancing will make this group even harder to reach. Additionally, voting rates vary between racial/ethnic identity, socio-economic status, and genders. This session will address how every functional area within Student Affairs has a critical role in closing voter gaps to promote a more just and equitable society.
Presented by:
Ellen Wehrman, she/her/hers, Campus Election Engagement Project
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusionn (SJI); Technology (TECH)
Student Housing and Accommodations during COVID-19 from around the World
presented 2 September 2020 // Cost: $10
Presented by ACPA’s Commission for Global Dimensions in Student Development and the International Association of Student Affairs and Services
This webinar invites four representatives from four different regions around the world to share their expertise, insight, and best practices. In this presentation, they will highlight their campus profile and needs, share operation and policy modifications in response to COVID-19, and recommend tips on how to lead and manage residential life and housing operation for Fall 2020/Spring2021. This webinar will increase the leadership competency within its participants, informing and encouraging others to find better solutions and support to the challenges we face.
Presented by:
Dr. Nupur Goyal – Director of Residential Life and University Community Standards from NYU Shanghai
Dr. Matt Nelson Qatar Foundation – Head of Residence Life from Qatar Foundation
Mirela Mazalu – Secretary-General from EucA – European University College Association
Pieter Kloppers – Director of Centre for Student Communities from Stellenbosch University
Towards a Decolonized Classroom: A Lumbee Modality of Teaching
presented 17 August 2020 // Cost: $10
Though American classrooms typically emphasize Western notions of individualism and authoritarianism, many students do not benefit from this teaching style, particularly students of color. This session focuses on decolonizing practices that can be readily employed in the classroom that are based in Indigenous knowledge and center on more communal, organic and restorative forms of education.
Presented by:
Brittany D. Hunt, she/her/hers
Tribal Affiliation: Lumbee
University of North Carolina-Charlotte
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Intersections of Power and Institutional Change: Implementing a Transformative Advising Model
presented 13 August 2020 // Cost: $10
“But that’s not how we’ve always done it.” This cringe-worthy refrain is all too common in our field, as practitioners who are attempting to create meaningful, transformative change on their campuses can attest. This session explores our experience in developing and implementing a new advising model to examine the way campus politics, rooted in power and privilege, makes our institutions risk- and change-averse. This session includes practical examples, specific political/power dynamics, and lessons learned that are applicable across specific institutional contexts.
Presented by:
James Breslin, he/him/his, Bellarmine University
Lory L. King, she/her/hers, Bellarmine University
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S);Leadership (LEAD)
Stop the Scrolling: Engaging Generation Z Online
presented 10 August 2020 // Cost: $10
Gen Z or iGen (students born from 1995-2012) are currently searching, if not enrolled in higher education institutions. Being identified as the most technologically savvy generation, higher education needs to follow suit to keep prospective and current students engaged online. This session will explore the planning and implementation of interactive social media strategies targeted directly to the iGen population and their needs.
Presented by:
Bryson Purcell, M.Ed., he/him/his, American University
An Inclusive Virtual Environment Re-Invented: Teaching, Advising and Engaging Students
presented 27 July 2020 // Cost: $15
This critical moment is providing the opportunity to reinvent ways of connecting with and engaging students. Yes, the unknown is both scary and exciting as we think about how to create an inclusive environment virtually as an academic advisor, classroom teacher, student organization advisor or in one of your many other roles. From intentions to identity consciousness to methodologies, this webinar will build on insights and lessons learned from our Possibility Conversations to keep students engaged and supported while building community with diversity, equity and inclusion as part of the process.
Presented by:
Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington; he, him, his; President, Washington Consulting Group
dr. becky martinez; she, her, hers; president, infinity martinez consulting
Rev. Sam Offer; he, him, his; Washington Consulting Group
Equity on Campus: Preparing to Return to Institutions made more Inclusive of Students’ Diverse Religious, Secular, and Spiritual Identities
presented 21 July 2020 // Cost: $10
As colleges and universities prepare to reopen their campuses this fall, higher education faces the urgent need to avoid returning to the old “normal” in which minoritized identities were marginalized based on structural inequities. In response to these inequities, higher education leaders have been critiquing existing policies and practices to determine how they impact students with diverse religious, secular, and spiritual identities. In this session, scholars and practitioners will offer insights into these ideas and discuss how to make newly reopened campuses more equitable and inclusive spaces.
Presented by:
Dr. J Cody Nielsen, he, him, his, Executive Director, Convergence on Campus
Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif, Ph.D., she, her, hers, Assistant Professor of Higher Education, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Carrie Reisner, Ed.D., she, her, hers, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Engagement, Indiana University East
Vernon A. Wall, he, him, his, President, ACPA — College Student Educators International
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI) Student Learning and Development (SLD)
Student Leadership DEI Training Re-Invented: A Virtual Experience
presented 20 July 2020 // Cost: $15
In this critical moment, successful student leader trainings still require focusing on the value of diversity, equity and inclusion as a significant part of its design. Contextually, this requires us to think outside of the box, in order to provide an interactive and engaging virtual learning experience. Considering the many opportunities and challenges we are facing, many of us are inconclusive about the development of these virtual or hybrid trainings.
Join us for this webinar! It will offer insights and lessons learned from our Possibility Conversations to help reinvent a program focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion that best fits your student leadership group.
Presented by:
Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington; he, him, his; President, Washington Consulting Group
dr. becky martinez; she, her, hers; president, infinity martinez consulting
Rev. Sam Offer; he, him, his; Washington Consulting Group
Inclusive University Re-Invented: A Virtual New Student Welcome with a DEI Lens
presented 13 July 2020 // Cost: $15
Most campuses are preparing for a fall opening unlike any we have ever seen. This is both an exciting and a challenging time. Given the context of COVID 19, racial unrest, and financial uncertainties, welcoming new students to campus requires new and innovative approaches. While our values and commitment to student success, engagement and building an inclusive community remain strong, we are in uncharted territories as how to communicate these values in a virtual or hybrid model.
From summer orientation to welcome week, and first year seminars, this webinar will offer insights and lessons learned from our Possibility Conversations, to help reinvent the program that best serves your campus’ commitment to create a community built on diversity, equity and inclusion.
Presented by:
Rev. Dr. Jamie Washington; he, him, his; President, Washington Consulting Group
dr. becky martinez; she, her, hers; president, infinity martinez consulting
Rev. Sam Offer; he, him, his; Washington Consulting Group
Sanctioning Student Organizations Outside the Box
presented 23 June 2020 // Cost: $10
Conduct professionals are still attempting to figure out best practices in regard to investigating student organizations, so where is the information on sanctioning? The presenters will go through decision making processes when sanctioning student organizations. Participants will learn more about sanctioning that motivates change and focuses on development.
Presented by:
Christina Parle
Director of Chapter Services and Conduct for Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity, Inc.
Stephanie M. Wright
SMW Services, Inc.
Competencies: Advising and Supporting, Student Learning and Development
Student Behavior and Wellness in the Time of COVID-19
presented 22 June 2020 // Cost: $10
In today’s higher education landscape, more institutions are embracing the multi-dimensional model of wellness as an approach to holistic well-being and student flourishing. This accessible framework helps shape our understanding of how the various elements interact with one another to promote a student’s thriving across educational spaces, both inside the classroom and beyond. When there exists an imbalance of wellness, a student may experience tension and engage in unhealthy practices. This webinar will examine the multidimensional wellness model specifically as it pertains to the stresses of COVID-19 and engage the audience with an activity to assess one’s current state of wellness and provide tools to make improvements. This activity may be used as a sanction resulting from a disciplinary process, or it can be utilized by any student affairs practitioner who wishes to work on one or several dimensions of their own wellness.
Presented by:
Valerie Glassman, she, her, hers
Competencies: Advising and Supporting Student Learning and Development
Equity-minded assessment for student success during (and beyond) COVID-19
presented 17 June 2020 // Cost: FREE
Due to COVID-19, most campuses are delivering learning and student services at a distance and staff and faculty are working remotely. While this has been a shift for all students, the data shows that certain populations of students are more negatively impacted and that issues of access, equity and marginalization are more pronounced now than ever. In this webinar, Dr. Natasha Jankowski (NILOA), Dr. Gavin Henning (New England College), Dr. Kellie Dixon (North Carolina A&T) and Dr. Anne E. Lundquist (Campus Labs) discuss the focus and priorities for equity-minded assessment, particularly in the cocurriculum and as it relates to student involvement, engagement, retention and success. The panelists will discuss current practices as well as advice for how plan for an uncertain fall semester and beyond, provide suggestions for practice, as well as crowd-source tips and advice. Links to resources will be shared with webinar participants.
Presented by:
Natasha Jankowski; she, her, hers; Executive Director, National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA)
Gavin Henning; he, him, his; Professor of Higher Education, New England College; Past President, CAS
Kellie Dixon; she, her, hers; Director, Student Affairs Assessment and Staff Development, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Anne E. Lundquist; she, her, hers; Assistant Vice President for Campus Strategy, Campus Labs
Competencies: Assessment Evaluation and Research; Social Justice and Inclusion
Historical Trauma’s Impact on African Americans: Its Lasting Legacy
presented 11 June 2020 // Cost: $10
Over 300 years of enslavement in addition to another century of USA style Apartheid have resulted in a continuing legacy of maladies rampant throughout Black America. This webinar will review how these conditions came to be and how they are best addressed.
Presented by:
Ahmad Daniels, he, him, his, Creative Interchange
Competencies: Advising and Supporting Student Learning and Development
Using Arts Activities to Increase Self-Awareness, Emotional Health, and Cultural Sensitivity During COVID-19 and Beyond
presented 4 June 2020 // Cost: $10
Discover how activities involving creative expression, reflection, and sharing can help both student affairs practitioners and their students explore their individual and cultural identities, process challenging experiences, and increase self-awareness and understanding of people with differing backgrounds and perspectives. These activities can involve modalities such as narrative/creative writing, visual artmaking, video, music, participatory theatre, and dance/movement. I will provide a conceptual framework and examples from my research with undergraduates. Find out how these activities can be used in student affairs practitioner training and with students in residence halls and multicultural, wellness, and career centers. I will also discuss how some of these activities can be adapted for use online, which can be particularly useful during COVID-19.
Presented by:
Kathleen M. Goodyear, PhD, she, her, hers, Independent Researcher/Practitioner
Competencies: Student Learning and Development (SLD); Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
*FEATURED* Building an Institutional Mental Health Action Plan for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
presented 28 May 2020 (2 hr session) // Cost: $20
Learn about The JED Foundation’s comprehensive approach and Equity in Mental Health Framework to address student mental health, substance use, and suicide prevention in higher education. Attendees will identify ways their campuses are addressing the mental health needs of their students and create an action plan that identifies challenges, priorities, and resources, especially from a distance learning and virtual campus life perspective.
Presented by:
Ethan Fields, M.S.Ed., he/him/his, The Jed Foundation
Erica Riba, LCSW, she/her/hers, The Jed Foundation
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S);Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Time, Place, Manner – New approach for developing supervision skills
presented 27 May 2020 // Cost: $10
Understanding how to be a good supervisor is a challenging task for many. It can be even tougher when you don’t have good role models to reference or emulate. However, for those who aspire to move up within the profession, demonstrating strong and proficient supervisory skills are a must. So how can young professionals ascertain these skills on their own? This presentation proposes a method professionals new to supervision can implement to strengthen their abilities.
Presented by:
Emelia Dunston, she/her/hers, Vanderbilt University
Brenda McKenzie, she/her/hers, Vanderbilt University
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S);Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Academic Integrity: Creating a Preventative Education Campaign for Your Institution
presented 21 May 2020 // Cost: $10
Academic integrity defines a university and is essential to the mission of education. This experiential session outlines national trends in academic integrity in higher education and provides an overview of best practices. It provides context of how Columbia University orients undergraduate students understand how to uphold integrity by drawing on cross-promotion of academic and campus resources. This session invites participants to engage in dialogue about academic integrity trends and create an action plan to form a preventative education campaign.
Presented by:
Victoria Malaney Brown, she, her, hers, Columbia College | Columbia Engineering
Competencies: Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF);Values, Philosophy, and History (VPH)
Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment: Accessibility for Student Affairs Practitioners
presented 20 May 2020 // Cost: $10
Thirty years after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act, accessibility in higher education has never been more relevant. The current reality that higher education lives in requires an even keener eye towards prioritizing accessibility and disability-inclusion. This course will center on the ADA and its many influences on teaching and learning in higher education. Specifically, this course will focus on the application of the ADA and disability inclusion across higher education settings, working with faculty, staff, and students with disabilities, producing accessible communications, meetings, and events, and student success and learning-center programming.
Presented by:
Michael J. Kutnak, he, him, his, Queens University of Charlotte
Spencer Scruggs, Florida State University
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI);Student Learning and Development (SLD)
Creating a Path to Support Expecting & Parenting Students
presented 18 May 2020 // Cost: $10
co-sponsored by the Commission for Two-Year Colleges and The Pan African Network
The journey of a parenting student comes with a unique set of realities and hats. This may have become more apparent as our campuses shifted for pandemic response. Join us for a session exploring a Community College Collaborative purposed to fill a gap for a vulnerable population – expecting & parenting students. We will highlight a campus-based program and efforts made to center on realities of this population, to provide tangible resources, and to create spaces for Parenting students to belong.
Presented by:
Monique Atherley, she/her/hers, LaGuardia Community College – CUNY
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S);Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Justice wasn’t built in a (Diversity) day: A Curricular Approach
presented 14 May 2020 // Cost: $10
Student affairs student staff are tasked with developing communities with students from increasingly diverse backgrounds. Rutgers University has begun to implement a diversity training curriculum to prepare student staff to build community in a socially just way. Diversity curriculums move beyond “diversity days” or single sessions to provide a tiered and cohesive learning experience through a resident assistant’s employment. This session will provide an overview of the Rutgers curriculum, areas of growth, and provide strategies for adaptation to your home campus. The content of this session can be applied to units outside of residence life and housing.
Presented by:
Darnell Thompson, he, him, his, Rutgers University – New Brunswick
Martin Petrella, he, him, his, Rutgers University – New Brunswick
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI); Student Learning and Development (SLD)
Scholarly Resistance: Black Womyn Voices within the Digital Space
presented 13 May 2020 // Cost: $10
Black Womyn within student affairs intersectionally support their students and institution. Through their intersectional identities, race, gender, class, and ethic of care is manifested. As they advocate for the needs of their students, mostly minority individuals, the women must be valued and supported. BLK Womyn Voices Podcast provides a platform for these lived experiences. This program will focus on the voices of Black womyn as they discuss the ways that digital outlets can be forms of scholarly resistance.
Presented by:
Dr. Kellie M. Dixon, she, her, hers, North Carolina A&T State University
Anne M. Edwards, she, her,hers, Northern Illinois University
Jasmine C. Lewis, she, her, hers, Harris-Stowe State University
Valerie J. Thompson, she, her, hers, Wichita State University
Competencies: Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF); Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
What Works: Building Environments For Students Emerging from Foster Care
presented 12 May 2020 // Cost: $10
This presentation explores the structures and programs one university system is creating for college students emerging from foster care (CSEFC). The presentation includes assets common to CSEFC, an overview of systemic barriers, and the programs and structures colleges (2 and 4 year) use to support the matriculation, retention, progression, and graduation of CSEFC. This presentation, framed by student development and advocacy theories, looks beyond micro-level interventions and deficit perspectives to refocus on systemic structures that protect and support CSEFC.
Presented by:
Sarah E. Jones, she, her, hers, University of West Georgia
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S); Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Centering Racial Justice and Decolonization within Strategic Planning
presented 11 May 2020 // Cost: $10
This interactive session will explore how participants can use the Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization in their daily work, specifically within a strategic planning process to determine annual goals, resource allocation, and mission clarity. Learn and practice the critical components of both an inclusive process and product outcome while boldly centering racial justice and decolonization. Engage and seek to challenge structures and systems to pursue equity while you create, execute, and assess initiatives, programs, services, and spaces.
Presented by:
Brent Turner, he, him, his, Northwestern University
Competencies: Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (AER);Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Identity Conscious Supervision
presented 8 May 2020 // Cost: $10
Student Affairs professionals often supervise at some point in their career, but rarely receive training around supervision and management. Professional development often focuses on skill building in functional areas yet often ignores the lived experiences of bias and hostility in the workplace made even more apparent as we navigate COVID-19. This webinar will feature the authors of Identity-Conscious Supervision in Student Affairs, who will share their new conceptual framework for identity-conscious and intersectional supervision. This model gives practitioners a strategic approach to engage in self-work, identity exploration, relationship building, consciousness raising, trust development, and organizational change, ultimately helping practitioners become more adept at supervising people from a range of backgrounds and experiences. Audience: This webinar is open to individuals who supervise students, graduate staff, or professionals.
Presented by:
Robert Brown, he, him, his, Northwestern University
Shruti Desai, EdD, she, her, hers, Washington University in St. Louis
Craig Elliott, Ph.D., he, him, his, Samuel Merritt University
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Actualizing the Strategic Imperative in Research Design
presented 7 May 2020 // Cost: $10
Are you interested in connecting ACPA’s Strategic Imperative on Racial Justice & Decolonization throughout your research design? This interactive session focuses on research methodology, “data” collection, analysis, and methods for reporting findings that reflect the goals of the Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization. Ideas for congruent approaches will be shared & discussed. Session organized & presented by Senior Scholars.
Presented by:
Penny Pasque, she, her, hers, The Ohio State University
Stephanie Waterman, she,her, hers University of Toronto
Competencies: Assessment, Evaluation, and Research (AER);Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
The Support Squad: Tips to Develop Interventions for Online Success
presented 6 May 2020 // Cost: $10
The Support Squad are members of the Advising and Learning Support department who collaborate closely with Academic Leadership to provide proactive, strategic support for at-risk online students in high DFWI courses. This model of Intrusive Advising embeds support services into the online classroom, with the aim of developing the self-efficacy of students. Faculty collaborate with Learning Specialists to develop resources and timely intervention for students, while Advisors proactively respond to real-time feedback to coach students in danger of failing.
Presented by:
Courtney Bondi, she, her, hers, National Louis University
Reece McDevitt, he, they; National Louis University
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S); Student Learning and Devleopment (SLD)
Academic Advising: A Form of Artistry
presented 5 May 2020 // Cost: $10
We will explore how the Academic Advising team at Berklee College of Music implemented a new institution-wide advising model to support the timely graduation of our student population of emerging artists. This session is beneficial to professionals working with student artists as well as anyone working at specialized institutions. Strategies include: fostering cross campus partnerships, developing a student leadership program and executing a strategic outreach campaign.
Presented by:
Athina Chartelain, she, her, hers, Berklee College of Music
Hillary Booker, she, her, hers, Berklee College of Music
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S); Stuent Learning and Development (SLD)
*FEATURED* Navigating Organizational Change in the Midst of COVID-19
presented 1 May 2020 (2hr session) // Cost: $30
Change and transition is present in our lives and leadership roles now more than ever. This session will discuss the nature of change in higher education during COVID-19 and provide attendees with frameworks and tools to better manage and navigate transition and change during this dynamic period in higher education. Join us for a robust conversation and claim your role as a change agent in higher education.
Presented by:
Craig Elliott, he, him, his, Samuel Merritt University
Mamta Accapadi, she, her, hers, Rollins College
Competencies: Organizational and Human Resources (OHR); Leadership (LEAD)
Mindful Leadership
presented 30 April 2020 // Cost: $10
Mindful leaders are fully present to the realities of the world around us, our students and campus communities, and our own lives, emotions, experiences, and challenges. Mindful leadership is grounded in wisdom across spiritual traditions and affirmed by the latest neuroscience and psychological research. This webinar will explore foundational concepts of mindful leadership and engage participants in ways to apply and integrate mindful leadership into their day to day lives.
Presented by:
Keith E. Edwards, he, him, his, Speaker, Consultant, Coach
Competencies: Leadership (LEAD); Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI)
Ubuntu: Incorporating Liberation Pedagogy to Go Beyond Day-Long Diversity Training
presented 27 April 2020 // Cost: $10
Come learn how we used the Cycle of Liberation to develop a year-long curriculum for professional staff (inclusive of residence life, facilities, and business services) in Housing to enhance their competency. We will discuss Georgia State University’s Ubuntu program and how we have moved staff beyond building cultural competency and towards liberation using healing, social justice, and liberatory practices. Participants will learn how they can adapt their own programs to incorporate social justice and liberation.
Presented by:
Ashley Brown, she,her, hers, Georgia State University
Prithak Chowdhury, he, him, his, Georgia State University
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI); Organizational and Human Resources (OHR)
Good as Hell: Strategies for a Successful (Virtual) Interviewing Experience
presented 22 April 2020 // Cost: $10
Interviewing is a crucial component of any job search process, from graduate assistantships to senior-level roles. Virtual interviewing adds an additional layer of complexity to an often already stressful process, but there are ways to prepare and navigate those challenges! Through this interactive session, participants will examine ways to better prepare for interviews through deconstructing position descriptions and exploring various types of interview questions often utilized in higher education. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and engage in activities designed to enhance their own interviewing skills and story-telling focused responses. Participants from all experience levels are encouraged to attend.
Presented by:
Tara Milliken, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Competencies: Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF); Values, Philosophy, and History (VPH)
How to do better: Supporting international students through social media
presented 17 April 2020 // Cost: $10
Despite our students’ origins, the internet is a necessity of life. However, Student Affairs Professionals often project uniform ways of social media engagement across various student populations. The presenters aim to point out the differing social media usage habits of international students and how social media is enforcing (or impeding) their adaptation to the new environment. The presenters also suggest best practices for Student Affairs Professionals to advise and support international students via social media.
Presented by:
Ziren “Violet” Yin, Columbia University
Ziyu “Viva” Ye, Columbia University
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI);Technology (TECH)
Mattering: Caring for the Whole Student in Online Learning Communities
presented 16 April 2020 // Cost: $10
In order to create effective, inclusive, and impactful online learning communities – both for curricular and co-curricular experiences – we need to serve the whole student. Fostering a sense of mattering should rest at the heart of our work. This session centers holistic student development as critical to the pursuit of creating dynamic online learning communities in which students not only feel acknowledged, but also feel essential. Participants will discuss key strategies and engage with presenters and each other via Q&A.
Presented by:
Graziella McCarron, George Mason University
Aoi Yamanaka, George Mason University
Competencies: Student Learning and Development (SLD);Technology (TECH)
Other Duties as Assigned: Reframing Responsibilities, Reclaiming Our Work
presented 15 April 2020 // Cost: $10
We see it in just about every position description “and other duties as assigned.” Remember that course you had in graduate school about other duties as assigned? Neither do we! These additional responsibilities can overwhelm, cause stress and trauma, and dilute our commitment and motivation to do the real work. Come explore how narrative can aid us in taking a critical look at traditional modes of organization and power structures in order to (re)take ownership of our work, careers, and field.
Presented by:
Jim Breslin, Bellarmine University
Gabby Dixon, University of Central Florida
Chelsea McKendree, Bellarmine University
Alex Schmied, West Chester University
Competencies: Organizational and Human Resources (OHR);Personal and Ethical Foundations (PEF)
Career Engage: Ensuring Career Readiness for Online Learners
presented 14 April 2020 // Cost: $10
One of the most popular topics encountered today is this notion of employability and career readiness. With the speed in which workforce needs are evolving, employers are looking for professionals that are prepared to make an impact from day one. However, employers are voicing concerns regarding skills gap issues they face when it comes time to hire. At FIU Online, we designed a comprehensive plan to get us thinking about how FIU could better serve our students and workforce. This session will focus on the development of our career readiness program and provide quick, actionable, measures for implementation at your institution.
Presented by:
Nico Rose, Florida International University
Emma Perez, Florida International University
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S);Student Learning and Development (SLD)
Promoting First-Year Mental Health and Belonging: Impacts of Social Media
presented 13 April 2020 // Cost: $10
First-year students, including students from marginalized populations, frequently experience mental health concerns in their transition to college. The pervasiveness of social media may exacerbate feelings of isolation rather than enhance a sense of belonging. Using findings from a qualitative study, we explore how social media use among first-year students affects perceptions of belonging and mental health. Participants will be presented with strategies for promoting belonging and mental health among first-years experiencing potentially negative impacts from social media, particularly as the social landscape continues to evolve for students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Presented by:
Charlie Potts, Gustavus Adolphus College
Michael Stebleton, University of Minnesota
Competencies: Student Learning and Development (SLD);Technology (TECH)
Understanding Empathy as a Student Affairs Professional
presented 8 April 2020 // Cost: $10
As student affairs professionals we are asked to understand and relate to our students, advocate for equitable and safe environments, and care for ourselves and others. Empathy is a catalyst for student affairs professionals to achieve all of these responsibilities. In this session participants will learn the process of practicing empathy, how to apply the model to their professional roles, and how to practice self-care through self-empathy. During this session we will also discuss how empathy can help us work towards fulfilling the ACPA and NASPA professional competencies and support us in the response to COVID-19.
Presented by:
McKenzie McNamara, Clemson University
Competencies: Advising and Supporting (A/S);Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI);Student Learning and Development (SLD)
Virtual internships in the midst of COVID-19
presented 7 April 2020 // Cost: $10
This webinar examines virtual internships as a partial solution to the sudden lack of internship opportunities that has arisen in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. We argue for the expansion of virtual internship opportunities, focusing on the potential of virtual internships to create meaningful access to experiential learning for students. We provide insights on how to convert traditional in-person internships to virtual internships and generate virtual internships in the midst of the pandemic. We address implications for programming, including internship courses, that arise from the development of virtual internships. We conclude with ample time for a question and answer session from the audience.
Presented by:
Ian Baker, he/him/his, University of Michigan/Michigan State University
Matthew Yettaw, he/him/his, University of Michigan
Competencies: Social Justice and Inclusion (SJI);Technology (TECH)
Exploring the Roles of Student Affairs in Supporting Online Learners
presented 6 April 2020 // Cost: $10
Online learners represent roughly 22 percent of all students in colleges and universities in the United States, but students affairs tends to struggle with how to reach and serve these students. Through this informative learning session, participants will leave with action items they can use at their own institutions to better serve online learners. Connecting student affairs to online learners is especially poignant in the current context of leveraging resources in response to COVID-19.
Presented by:
Brian, Bourke, Ph.D., he/him/his, Murray State University