2024 ACPA Leadership Council Selection Process

Thank you for visiting this 2024 Leadership Council Selections site to learn more about available positions for election and appointment processes, including timelines for each process.
If you have any questions or concern about the ACPA Leadership Council Election Process, please contact one or more of the following Nominations & Elections Council members at LCSelection@acpa.nche.edu:
- Heather Shea, ACPA Immediate Past President and Nominations & Elections Council Chair
- Jasmine Lee, ACPA Vice President for Equity & Inclusion and Nominations and Elections Council Member
- Chris Moody, ACPA Executive Director and Ex-Officio Member of Nominations & Elections Council
Appointed positions only: ACPA26 in Baltimore Convention Chair, Chair of Nominations & Elections, Chair of Racial Justice Strategies, Chair of Research & Scholarship, Chair of Universal Design Strategies, and Past President
Nomination and application forms available for all positions | 6 May 2024 |
ACPA26 Convention Chair applications due by 11:59pm ET | 7 June 2024 – Application Closed |
Nomination deadline for positions to be Appointed | 13 September 2024–Nominations Closed |
Applications due by 11:59pm ET for positions to be appointed | 20 September 2024–Applications Closed |
Leadership Council Selection Processes results announced to members | 11-15 November 2024 |
Elected positions only: President-Elect, Vice President-Elect for Membership, Vice President-Elect for Volunteer Leadership, Chair of Professional Development, Coordinator-Elect for Commissions, and Members-at-Large (x4, including 1 International)
Nomination and application forms available for all positions | 6 May 2024 |
Nomination deadline for positions to be Elected | 15 July 2024–Nominations Closed |
Applications due by 11:59pm ET for positions to be Elected | 22 July 2024–Applications Closed |
Leadership Council Election occurs for member voting | 19-30 August 2024–Election Concluded |
Leadership Council Selection Processes results announced to members | 11-15 November 2024 |
Descriptions of each role are linked to the position names below
Positions to be Elected in 2024:
- President-Elect (2-year term, no elect year)
- Vice President-Elect, Membership (3-year term; first year is elect year)
- Vice President-Elect, Volunteer Leadership (3-year term; first year is elect year)
- Chair, Professional Development (2-year term, no elect year)
- Coordinator-Elect, Commissions (3-year term; first year is elect year)
- Member-at-Large (3 positions; 2-year term, no elect year)
- Member-at-Large, International (2-year term, no elect year)
Positions to be Appointed in 2024:
- Chair, Nominations & Elections (2-year term, no elect year)
- Chair, Racial Justice Strategies (2-year term, no elect year)
- Chair, Research & Scholarship (2-year term, no elect year)
- Chair, Universal Design Strategies (2-year term, no elect year)
- Past President (1-year term, no elect year)
Additional information
- Participating in the ACPA Leadership Council is similar to being a trustee of a college and university, rather than planning professional development or networking opportunities. The Leadership Council is responsible for ACPA’s financial wellbeing, strategic planning, and business practices and not as involved in day-to-day operations, programs, or services as most members might think. Many apply for governance leadership positions because they have had positive and meaningful experiences in programming or services on behalf of the Association and are surprised by the business-oriented nature of carrying out ACPA’s fiduciary duties. As ACPA is a non-profit organization (registered 501c3), we are required to meet certain legal and business requirements to sustain. The Leadership Council operates using an information informal version of Parliamentary Procedure for conducting business meetings, and newly elected officers will receive training and guidance for participating in these meetings.
- The positions available in this election require various levels and amounts of time and commitment. Beyond the President-Elect/President (15-20 hours per week) and Vice Presidents (10-15 hours per week), most Leadership Council positions should expect and be capable of spending 5-10 hours per week on ACPA-related meetings, communications, and projects. Participation in all Leadership Council and working council meetings is expected for these positions.
- Position descriptions require all interested applicants be “in good standing” with the Association. “In good standing” simply means that an individual’s ACPA membership is current and there are no active restrictions on membership or participation in Association activities/initiatives. Beyond active membership, the eligibility requirements for each Leadership Council role are outlined on the individual position descriptions.
- Interested applicants are encouraged to consult with supervisors, mentors, current or previous governance leaders members, and others in their network about your interest in the position and time/effort commitments required in advance of applying.
Applications for Leadership Council positions will be reviewed and considered based on the following criteria:
- Membership is current, in good standing, and meets or exceeds the minimum number of years of membership as required in various position descriptions;
- Applicant’s meeting of the minimum vs. preferred qualifications as described in each specific position description;
- Quality of application, including effective written communication and depth of response to questions;
- Commitment to creating a diverse ballot with various applicant identities.
Working Council Membership
Membership in the ACPA Nominations & Elections Council are outlined in the ACPA Bylaws and Standard Operating Procedures, and those individuals are identified below. Questions about the ACPA Leadership Council Selection Processes may be directed to the Working Council at LCSelection@acpa.nche.edu.
- Heather Shea, Past President (Chair)
- Mattea Carveiro, Member-at-Large
- Jasmine Lee, Vice President, Equity & Inclusion
- Amanda Mollet, Vice President, Volunteer Leadership
- Gudrun Nyunt, Vice President, Membership
- Kendall Pete, Member-at-Large
- Kelvin Rutledge, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives
- Alan Acosta, Vice President-Elect, Strategic Initiatives (non-voting)
- Shetina Jones, Vice President-Elect, Equity & Inclusion (non-voting)
- Chris Moody, Executive Director (ex officio; non-voting)
- President-Elect: Alan Acosta or Heather Shea
- Vice President positions: Amanda Mollet or Gudrun Nyunt
- Chair positions: Alan Acosta, Jasmine Lee, or Kelvin Rutledge
- Coordinator positions: Shetina Jones or Gudrun Nyunt
- Member-at-Large positions: Mattea Carveiro or Kendall Pete
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