Thank you for stopping by to learn more about the Commission for Housing & Residential Life (CHRL). Take some time to look through our content and don’t hesitate to share how you’d like to get involved. Use the menu below to jump to a section of interest.

Please contact us at [email protected] or connect with the members of our Directorate Body with questions or ideas.

About the Commission for Housing and Residential Life

Residence halls are one of the primary settings for student development programs in colleges and universities. The Commission for Housing and Residential Life (CHRL) is one of the largest of ACPA’s commissions and actively involves its members in meeting seven major objectives:

  1. To provide leadership to ACPA and the profession in general for student development in college residence halls.
  2. To identify issues of special concern and advise colleagues regarding these concerns through the support of research efforts, survey information, reports, position papers, and task force investigations.
  3. To communicate innovative ideas, special issues, problem resolution, and research information with a broad base of individuals throughout the country who are involved in residence education.
  4. To maintain a working relationship with other professional organizations, student associations, and other commissions, divisions, and agencies within ACPA that maintain similar or overlapping objectives.
  5. To cultivate professional development experiences through sponsoring and implementing convention programs and regional workshops.
  6. To assist in developing a set of professional standards for staff working in residence halls.
  7. To develop a plan and a process for evaluating the work and leadership of the Commission.

News & Updates

Join a JCSD Editorial Board

The Journal of College Student Development (JCSD) seeks nominations and applications for two of its Editorial Boards. The JCSD Editorial Board (ED) is for established scholars with a publication record. The Research in Brief (RIB) Review Board (RB) is for advanced...

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2023 Senior Scholar Grants

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Senior Scholar Grant Recipients: Katie Koo & Mary Ann Bodine Al-Sharif Title: Voices from the Margins: Racism, Racialized Experiences, and Racial Advocacy among Asian International Students in U.S. Higher D. Chase J. Catalano,...

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About Campus Podcast Logo Design Competition

About Campus is seeking a logo for its new podcast ‘Round About Campus! The podcast is set to launch in 2024 and we’re wanting to highlight artwork from you! We are inviting ACPA members to submit original artwork for consideration as the podcast logo. To participate,...

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CMM Alumni

While our directorate team may seem small, it has truly taken a village to make the Coalition on Men and Masculinities into what it is today. We are so proud to recognize our CMM alumni and all of the amazing work they are doing to promote men and masculinities work...

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Reviewer Pauses for About Campus

Reviewer Pauses for About Campus

The About Campus editorial team will be instituting two reviewer pauses during the year. These pauses will take place during July 2023 and 15-31 December 2023. While authors may still submit manuscripts during these periods, the editorial team will not be reviewing...

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CHRL Grant applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Stay tuned for more information about submission guidelines.

  • Provide a program description and its link to the Housing and Residential Life.
  • Outline intended outcomes.
  • Detail the intended population and expected number to be impacted by this initiative.
  • Describe how this research showcases new information.
  • Show how this research aligns with ACPA’s Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization
  • Provide a timeline with proposed activities and an estimated completion milestone for each activity.
  • Submit an anticipated budget.
  • Provide contact information for those researchers coordinating this initiative.

Research proposals will be evaluated by the Commission for Housing and Residential Life based on the importance and usefulness of the topic to student affairs professionals and the strength of the research methodology. The submission will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Purpose and goals of project/research
  • Significance of project/research
  • Supporting literature and rationale for project/research
  • Appropriate methodology
  • Degree project supports and relates to mission & goals of CHRL
  • Alignment with ACPA’s Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization
  • Clearly outlined budget & financial need demonstrated
  • Background and experience of applicant
  • Does the project use inclusive, collaborative, and resourceful processes to pursue an innovative solution in supporting housing and residential life?
  • Is the project plan thoughtful, realistic, and does it address the identified need?
  • Is the project likely to make a significant, sustainable difference, now or in the future?

All grant recipients will be asked to present a webinar and a poster session at ACPA for the Commission for Housing and Residential Life based on their research findings.


CHRL Grant applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Please submit your proposal to Ann Schafer at [email protected] and the committee will review it within 3-5 weeks of your submission date.

  1. Cover Page
    1. Title of the proposed study
    2. Name, title, institution, email, and phone of researcher/co-researcher
    3. Total amount requested
  2. Brief Description
    1. Researcher experience related to the grant proposal topic (not to exceed 1 page)
  3. Project narrative (not to exceed 10 double-spaced pages)
    1. Abstract (150 words maximum)
    2. Introduction and literature review
    3. Purpose of the study
    4. Significance of the study and potential implications for policy/ practice in Housing and Residential Life
      • Why hasn’t this issue been addressed sufficiently in the past? Who else is working in this field, what have they done, and why isn’t that enough? Demonstrate your knowledge of the field.
      • Provide convincing evidence that what you are proposing does not duplicate other work. Replication of someone else’s work in a new environment or larger scale may be fundable.
    5. Alignment with ACPA’s Strategic Imperative for Racial Justice and Decolonization
      • How does this topic directly impact the Strategic Imperative?
      • How can this work be used to influence future practice through an intersectional lens?
    6. Conceptual framework
    7. Research questions
    8. Methods (including methodology, sample, data collection, and data analysis procedures)
  4. Literature Review
  5. Project timeline, including work already accomplished (not to exceed 2 pages)
  6. Detailed budget (not to exceed 3 pages)
    1. List items, expense justification, amount
    2. List other sources and amounts of funding
    3. Justification for need of grant funding
  7. Status of institutional review board approval
  8. Appendices
    1. Two page curriculum vitae, including relevant publications, research experience, and prior grant funding
    2. Institutional review board application and approval or acknowledgement letter, if required for the study
    3. Instruments (e.g., survey or interview protocols), if applicable
    4. Letter of support from faculty member

Upcoming Events

Are you joining us in New Orleans for convention? Check out these programs endorsed by CHRL!

Well-Intended Expectations, Unintended Consequences: Exploring Black RAs Experiences at PWIs

March 27, 2023 | 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Lucky Winner: Using a Lottery System to Hire Student Staff

March 28, 2023 | 4:14 pm – 5:15 pm

The student staff are unionizing?! How does this work?

March 27, 2023 | 11:45 am – 12:45 pm

Enhancing faculty interaction with students: The faculty-in-residence experience.

March 27, 2023 | 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

Taking Gender out of the Housing Process.

March 27, 2023 | 10:30 am – 11:30 am

Let Us Make It Ours: Black Student Mattering within Housing

March 27, 2023 | 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Meet the Directorate

Dr. DeAndre Taylor
Dr. DeAndre Taylor


University of Wisconsin Parkside
Dr. Leah Shaw
Dr. Leah Shaw


Kent State University

Past Chairs for the Commission for Housing and Residential Life

The Commission for Housing and Residential Life is proud of its extensive history of Housing and Residence Life leaders who, in addition to the leadership of their respective HRL departments, have contributed to ACPA and the field of Student Affairs broadly. Many Past Chairs of ACPA have gone on to leading and developing other ACPA Commissions and Communities of Practice, advanced to senior-level roles in their institutions, and many past CHRL Chairs have gone on to serve as Past Presidents of ACPA and/or other governing body roles. As a part of our history, we seek to honor and recognize our Past Chairs for their contributions to the success of CHRL.

Dr. Harold Riker
Commission III Chair: 1962-1963
Thelma Miatt
Commission III Chair: 1964-1966
Dr. Harold Marquardt
Commission III Chair: 1966-1968
James Duncan
Commission III Chair: 1968-1970
Phyllis Mable
Commission III Chair: 1970-1972
(ACPA Past President, 1979-1980)
Dr. David DeCoster
Commission III Chair: 1972-1974
Dr. Susan Komives
Commission III Chair: 1974-1976
(ACPA Past President, 1982-1983)
Sherrill Ragans
Commission III Chair: 1976-1978
Jill Carnaghi headshot
Dr. Charles Schroeder
Commission III Chair: 1978-1980
(ACPA Past President, 1986-1987, 1993-1994)
Stephen Peterson
Commission III Chair: 1980-1982
Pat Kearney
Commission III Chair: 1982-1984
(ACPA Past President, 1988-1989
Dr. Jill Carnaghi
Commission III Chair: 1984-1986
(ACPA Past President, 2000-2001)
Dr. Chuck Werring
Commission III Chair: 1986-1988
Kent Sampson
Commission III Chair: 1988-1990
Tim Pierson
Commission III Chair: 1990-1992
Connie Foley
Commission III Chair: 1992-1994
Jackie Mims-Hickmon
Commission III Chair: 1994-1996
Dr. Andrea J. Trinklein
CHRL Chair: 1996-1998
LeeAnna Lamb
CHRL Chair: 1998-2000
Dr. Cathy Akens
CHRL Chair: 2000-2002
Dr. Derek Jackson
CHRL Chair: 2002-2004
Dr. Todd Clark
CHRL Chair: 2004-2006
Dr. Kathleen G. Kerr
CHRL Chair: 2006 – 2008
(ACPA Past President, 2013-2014)
Adrian Gage
CHRL Chair: 2008 – 2010
Dr. Kathleen Gardner
CHRL Chair: 2010 – 2012
Jerome Holland
CHRL Chair: 2012 – 2013
Dr. Amy Franklin-Craft
CHRL Chair: 2013 – 2015
Dr. Troy Seppelt
CHRL Chair: 2015-2017
Dr. Laura Arroyo
CHRL Chair: 2017-2019
Dr. Claire Semer
CHRL Chair: 2019-2021
Dr. Brandin Howard
CHRL Chair: 2021 – 2023


Get Involved

CHRL is always looking for involved members! It is easy to join us and at this time by following the steps below!

Ready to join?

Joining an Entity through the ACPA Member Portal automatically identifies you as a member of that Entity! You will begin to receive Entity communications through their respective email listserv and have access to any resources they share!

  1. Login to your ACPA Member Account
  2. Click on Community Groups (Chatter)
  3. Click Groups
  4. Click Active Groups
  5. Find the entity you want to join and within that group, click +Join

Contact [email protected], to learn more about ACPA’s Commission for Housing & Residential Life!

Any ACPA member can become involved and there are varying levels of involvement:

  • Join our listserv (sign up under “my profile” in the ACPA membership area)
  • Attend our open business meeting at the annual ACPA convention
  • Review conference programs for the annual convention
  • Submit a sponsored program proposal for the annual convention
  • Host a webinar
  • Submit a proposal for a paper to be published on our website

Chrl Awards

It is never too early to start thinking about recognition! Since 1977, the Commission for Housing and Residential Life has recognized outstanding achievements and contributions in the field of student housing. The Commission Directorate Body is proud to carry on the coordination of this important tradition. Award nominations are typically solicited in November.  Winners will be announced at the ACPA Awards Reception/Social at the annual conference.


Outstanding Experienced Professional Award 4-9 Years of Experience

Kristin Rolnick – University of Delaware

Outstanding Experienced Professional Award 10 or More Years of Experience

John Michael Haky, Goucher College

Outstanding New Professional In Residence Life

Jeremiah Steigleman – University of Delaware

Outstanding Undergraduate Student Staff Member

Leeza Zavelsky – Goucher College

Excellence in Service

Helen Ann Lawless – University of Delaware

Commission for Housing and Residence Life Annual Awards

Commitment to Racial and Social Justice in Housing and Residence Life Award

The Commitment to Racial Justice Award is presented in recognition of outstanding work in fostering diversity and racial justice education, competency, and/or action among students, staff, and/or faculty at their institution or in their community.

Selection criteria include:

  • An outstanding or exceptional contribution to one’s campus community in the area of diversity, interculturalism, and racial justice.
  • The identified contribution may have resulted in a wide range of identifiable outcomes, including, but not limited to,
  • Further community engagement in diversity dialogue and education,
  • Examined and modified current practices and policies impacting one’s department/institution,
  • Addressed the particular needs of underrepresented populations, and
  • Implemented projects and initiatives that foster diversity and racial justice.
  • Successful candidates have sought to address marginalization, oppression, and/or privilege through their academic, co-curricular, and/or social engagements.
  • Through their efforts, successful candidates will have helped promote critical awareness, perspective-taking, understanding, critical thinking, and/or action for fairness and the common good.
Excellence In Service Award

In the tradition of the National Residence Hall Honorary’s (NRHH) Spotlight Award, this award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to her/his campus and/or the housing profession and is not eligible for any of the other awards; therefore, the nominee cannot be a student or professional housing staff member. Possible nominees could be food service personnel, night security staff, administrative assistants, or custodial staff.

Selection criteria include:

  • Performance and contributions in current position
  • Contributions to student success,
  • Contributions to the community in which the university or college is located.
Excellence In Sustainability

There are three categories of excellence in sustainability awards. This award is presented to a program, an individual, or a department that has demonstrated outstanding contributions toward sustainability on their campus and/or to the housing profession.

The individual award criteria for excellence in sustainability are: individual responsibility, integration, collaboration, and assessment.

Excellence in departmental sustainability criteria include: integration of sustainable practices, responsible growth and management, education, and conservation.

Outstanding initiatives or programs include: the holistic nature of the program or activity (advancing students’ understanding of the relationship between environmental stewardship, social justice, and economic growth), the relationship of initiative to the ACPA learning outcomes for sustainability, degree of collaboration, assessment, and sustainability of the initiative, embedded nature of practice and conservation.

Note: Not all initiatives will address each criterion equally.

Outstanding Innovation in Housing and Residential Life

This award recognizes and honors excellence for an innovative program, project, collaboration with student affairs or academic departments, or service sponsored by a housing or residential life department.

Selection criteria include:

  • The nominated program or initiative should demonstrate improvement in the quality of life for students, the efficiency in the department and/or the effectiveness in service delivery.
  • Should address a problem or need in housing and residential life
  • May be student or staff initiated
  • Should advance the field/profession
  • Should impact campus-specific efforts
  • Must be allowed to be shared with other housing operations across the nation.
Outstanding New Professional In Residence Life

This award is presented to an individual in the first three years of their professional career who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to their campus and/or the housing profession.

Selection criteria include:

  • Must be a full-time new housing professional (1-3 years of professional employment).
  • Must have contributed to residence life through research, a program, or related activity which was above and beyond normal expectations.
  • Contributions to student affairs scholarship and or the profession, and contributions to the community.
  • Must demonstrate potential for a successful career in housing or residence life.
Outstanding Graduate Student Staff Member

This award is presented to an outstanding full-time graduate student employed in a paraprofessional staff position.

Selection criteria includes:

  • Performance and contributions in current graduate assistantship or paraprofessional position
  • Contributions within the nominee’s academic program
  • Contributions to the Student Affairs profession
  • Other recognitions of achievement.
  • Must be a full-time graduate pursuing a Master’s Degree, currently employed in a graduate assistant position within residence life.
  • Must have contributed to residence life through research, a program, or related activity which was above and beyond normal expectations.
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Staff Member

This award is presented to an outstanding undergraduate student employed in a paraprofessional staff position.

Selection criteria include:

  • Performance and contributions in a current undergraduate paraprofessional position
  • Contributions to the nominee’s academic program
  • Contributions to community and university, and other recognitions of achievement.
  • Must be a current undergraduate student employed in a paraprofessional position in student housing.
  • Should have demonstrated outstanding performance in that position above and beyond normal expectations.
  • Must have contributed to residence life through research, a program, or related activity.
Outstanding Experienced Professional Award

This award is presented to an individual with 4 or more years of professional employment who has demonstrated outstanding contributions to their campus and/or the housing profession.

Selection criteria include:

  • Performance and contributions within current position,
  • Contributions to student affairs scholarship, contributions to the profession and/or contributions to the community.

Awarded in two categories: 4-9 years of experience and 10+ years of experience

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